Hi, welcome to our site. I am Dr Saumya Mittal.
Read your query. That is a very significant question and i appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your query
This is probably a muscular
contusion where the blood from the rupture of vessels collects in the muscle. This causes
stiffness of the muscle and lots od pain on initiating movement, that subsides a bit when it is continued.
I would have suggested x rays of affected parts to any patient of mine to make sure there is no damage to the bony component.
I think, for now, have some painkillers, try a crepe bandage, and have plenty of fluids.
Meet a local orthopedician
I hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above so i can be of help further. Best of luck.
I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you.
Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination.
Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further.
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