hi there
thanks for asking your query and providing a complete history
oral thrush is caused by a fungus candida,also known as yeast
Candida albicans fungus is naturally found in the mouth in small amounts. Oral thrush develops when these levels increase. This can be the result of a taking certain medications (particularly inhaled
steroids), poor
oral hygiene, smoking, or a weakened immune system
Oral thrush can usually be successfully treated with antifungal medicines, delivered in the form of gels, tablets, creams or
mouth rinses.
You can reduce the chance of getting oral thrush by:
brushing your teeth twice a day
having regular dental check-ups
maintaining good oral hygiene
you asked about wisdom tooth pain,it will resides within 7-10days but you have to follow post op instructions carefully
analgesic for pain and gargle with saline water twice a day
hope his will help