Thanks for posting your query.
To begin with I need to know how far you are into
Breech ( baby bottom down) and unstable (changing) presentation is very common during mid pregnancy.
As long as the placenta is not low and the baby has no structural abnormalities, there s usually no cause for concern as in your case.
The baby keeps moving inside the
uterus , so the position can keep changing.
If the baby remains in breech position even after 36 weeks, your doctor may suggest turning the baby around. If you are not keen on this procedure, you can choose to wait till the due date to give maximum time for baby to turn around naturally.
As for the mode of delivery, if baby remains as breech , its safer for you and baby to deliver by
caesarean section. If you want to deliver naturally, your doctor may support your decision after carefully evaluating all risk factors.
Hope this helps.
All the very best.Take care.