Doctor My semen analysis report reads as follows
(1) Sperm Count - 43 million/ml (Total Count -86 million)
(2) Sperm Morphology - 65% (Normal) 35%(Abnormal)
(3) Sperm Motility -1 hour End - [ Rapid Progression-15% ,Slow Progression -25%,
Non Progressive -5%,Immotile-55%]
2 hour End - [ Rapid Progression-8% ,Slow Progression -15%,
Non Progressive -5%,Immotile-72%]
(4) Agglutination - Grade-II
(5) Liquefaction - 30 Minutes
(6)Viscosity - Normal
(7) Ph - 7.5
(8) Pus Cells -1-2 /hpf
(9) RBC - Ocassional
(6) Semen Culture - Normal
Kindly see my Semen Analisys Report and guide me whether it normal or not and IUI can be carried out.
With Warm Regards,