Hello , I had sex unprotected with my new girlfriend a couple of months ago. At this time I was involved in heavy masturbation. Then I noticed a half spiral type string of tiny bumps on my penis gland. As the days moved on it seemed to move toward the hole I pee from. They didnt blister up,I have no burning or discharge. I went to the doctor and he tested me for syphilis and hsv1&2. The syphilis test came back negative. I have always had hsv 1 since a youth but I dont get coldsores anymore. I tried a monistat 7 day regimen it slightly went away ,I took it longer for 2 weeks it seemed to heal then I began masturbating again . I noticed that my penile gland is very sensitve and it leaves red marks and slight bruises. I noticed that my penis is not stable when I work out ,wich it does often and rub against my compression shorts. Shes not feeling and yeast infection sympthoms. So as of now my penile gland is sentive and prone to red spots in various places after masturbation then they subside when left alone....any clues ?