I ve been suffering from sever acid reflux for the past 19 months. I have mucus in stool, abdominal pain just above my belly button, pain above the rips (this feels like something is sucking life out of me), I ve develop sever asthma, I have frequent heartburn, pain on the right side of my through, pain in the right ear and eye. I also have sinus problems, I have nasal polyps and thus doesn t have sense of smell. All these happened in the 19 months already mentioned, one after the other. When all these started, an xray and sonar was done but it showed nothing was wrong. I was then put on laxatives and antiacid (megasil mixture). they seemed to have worked until 3 months later when everything got worse. I was then put on omeprazole, and gastroscopy, PH level test, barium swalow and mano were done. According to my doctor all these tests were inconclusive. I kept on loosing wait rapidly and symptoms not getting any better, I was then put on pantropazole and ulsanic and they as well didn t work but the pain in throught has stopped. My doctor then told me to only take ulsanic and leave the rest. My life is a mess, i m always sick and at the ER because of asthma attacks, all the pains are back now for the past 6 months and I seem not to be making a lot of sense when I tell my doctor about my symptoms, not forgeting the bad breath and bitter taste on my throat that has robbed me of my social life. Please help me, what else can be done for me to have my life back and be a good mother to my 3 year old twins.