I am a young woman in my early twenties and I have been sexually active since January. Two weeks ago, I had intercourse with my boyfriend, protected with a condom and I am on the combination birth control. I had also just had my period two days prior to intercourse. Three days after intercourse I began to have ovulation symptoms, and moderate to severe cramping, which is normal for me as I have endometriosis. I went to the doctor the following week for an annual exam and checked for pregnancy and everything. I also had a vaginal scope with ultrasound and everything came out normal. My doctor assured me that the pregnancy test could be done that early and anything indicating pregnancy would have shown up already. However this week, I noticed my vagina was very itchy and felt hot, I gave myself a self exam and discovered that my cervix, although open and somewhat low is in between soft and firm, and slightly swollen on one side. I am close to my period, starts in 10 days, I am worried that I have an infection or possibly pregnant. What is it most likely?