Hi Sheena,
Thanks for writing your query.
It will be helpful if you give more information about your headache like :-
1. Is the severity of your headache constant or increases as the day passes?
2. Does the pain increases during bending your body or lowering your head?
After reading your symptoms, it seems that you are having pain due to
You should take antihistaminic like
fenofexadine 120 mg along with decongestant like phenylepherine after getting yourself examined by your doctor.
Pain can be relieved by taking pain killer like
Ibuprofen one tablet twice a day after meals along with an
antacid. Antibiotic can be needed to treat the infection and can be taken after discussing with your doctor.
Steam inhalation will also be helpful in relieving your symptoms.
I would suggest that you should first get examined and investigated by your doctor to rule out other causes of headache.
I hope this is helpful to you.