I have been suffering from violent itching, and hives for 9 years. I 've taken atarax for 9 years, I only take a fourth of atarax it last for 6 to 7 days,and then like clock work the violent itching comes back with a great attack. now afeter 9 years of taking ataraxs i am having adverse affects, chills, nausea, weakness in legs, lelf side hurts and right side hurts under ribs from the meds, I've tried other anit histamines and I get the same advers affects, the meds are just as violtent as the my condistion. I usally get warm red areas, princking or stinging sensations then, welchs and small little bumps and voilent itching until i take the meds it stops and than the meds gives me a problem. I am 64 for years old and i have not answer for this, my family and I feel so helpless because we can not find and answer to hellp me live a close to normal life between the itching and meds, I can't take it any more. Can you HELP ME?.