Thanks for your query
I Dr. Chugh Orthopaedic surgeon
The most likely cause is periosteitis that is inflammation of sheath around the bone with resultant deposition of new bone over there leading to bump formation.
It will resolve of its own over the period.
For now my advice would be take a break from running for few days (7-10).Take
ibuprofen to reduce pain and do ice fomentation.
My advice for you would be-
1. Gradually increase the running length and speed preferably on weekly basis and to be followed by ice fomentation.
2. Take balanced diet rich in calcium (1000mg/day) and vitamin (1000 i.u. /day) along with vitaminB12, B6.Vitamin D is available in weekly dose pattern as well as injection, just talk to your local doctor.
Hope this information helps you.
Take care and I shall be glad to answer any further query.
Dr.mukesh chugh (http://bit.ly/drmchugh)