Thank you Dr. XXXXX : If a person who has had a heart attack is not only short of breath rarely, but has pain in the chest coming from the outer rib cage towards the center of the chest through out the day at times, along with a pain in the middle of the chest that runs towards the back straight through, what might we be looking at instead of just a heart attack. There has been no MRI or CT done because they cannot take dye due to allergies. Acupuncture helps a great deal for energy and relieving pain, but middle chest pain is always there to some extent? Thank you, Would appreciate what ever you think might apply. I know there is a Candida problem to some extent. The person died during surgery in 2009 for three minutes. Surgery was for a severe infection in a tooth and jaw. It had to be drained after surgery for a while, as they left it open. what was so strange, though he was in critical condition he had no pain from this. Was on antibiotics for the better part of a year. This was done in England. The medical care there is much to be desired. They kept him waiting days and hours before any surgery was done; and then pulled seven teeth just to be sure that were not infected. He is taking herbs for heart and infection which that have not only saved his life, but continue to help. He is from England, now applying for citizenship here, when the attack happened, This is a member of my family, He is seeing a Naturopathic doctor. If you can be of help, it would be greatly appreciated. Judith B.