My lymph nodes in my groin became sore then I developed a rash on my labia. I went to see my gynocologist the next day and she did a swan of the rash as well as STI tests. All of the tests came back negative. I am, however, waiting for the results of my Pap test. I realized my rash could be poison oak which I get very easily. I went to an area in Carmel, CA last weekend where it is known to be, but I had shorts and pants on. I am always very careful not to touch greenery since I get it easily. However, after seeing my gynecologist Thursday, I remembered I was around the poison oak and actually rested my pelvic area on the heel of my shoe while sitting by the ocean. I did tell her and show her where my lymph nodes were sore in my groin. She said they weren’t that swollen compared to my left groin. Should I be concerned about them still being sore and swollen? I’m still not positive the rash is poison oak, but it’s the only explanation since all my results were negative.