Hello ! I have been having a Dull pain for the Most part on my Left Side of my stomach , It first seemed to come and go at times But now it is staying , It stays on my left side of my stomach underneath my ribs and I will also get a Dull to sharp pain around towards my back area lower back to upper back between shoulders on my left side . This has been going on for around 1 week or so , I finally went to the Hospital where they done Urine test , Blood Test and X-Rays all came Up clean ! But still the Dull pain is there , I was told to take some Over the Counter Flushing Laxatives to see if maybe it was related to constipation after doing so it seems to have Went away a Bit but is still there It feels like a Gas Related thing But I have Taken Medicine for it But It does not seem to Help . I was Diagnosed years back with Acid Re flux It just seems to have Me worried as if it is Something much Worse than what It probable is . Any advice or Info Would be Much appreciated Thank you