So last month, my girlfriend gave me a handjob through my shorts. Some semen did get on her hands but she wiped all of it off on blankets and there was no semen visible. For about 45 minutes, she touched other things like tv remotes, cell phone, car door, etc. about an hour after she touched the sperm, she washed her hands and brushed her teeth so a lot of water got on her hands. Approximately and hour and fifteen minutes after everything, she fingered herself. The month that this happened, her period was 10 days late. She was on a medicine however, and her doctor said that it could cause her period to be irregular. Now, she's off the medicine, but this month her periods three days off from last month. She's worried to death that she's pregnant and i think that her worrying is what's making her period so late. She's been having stomach aches, and now she's got me worrying. We didnt have sex or anything like that, besides the situation described. Is there any way she could be pregnant? Thanks. By the way, she's 15.