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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

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Should I Take A Course Of Primolut-N To Get Early Periods After Taking Meprate In Vain?

hi i had taken meperate twice a day for 5 days from 4th till 9th april bcz i wanted to get early periods but till now there are no periods i have to go on religious tour next week i have been suggested to take primolutN for 4-5 days.. what should i do please suggest. im in saudi arabia currently.
Wed, 25 Oct 2023
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General & Family Physician 's  Response

After taking Tab. Meprate for 5 days in double dose usually period starts within 3-5 days after last pill. If did not get period in the time limit. Please consult your doctor for dosage of Meprate to be continued till the date you don't want periods to come. Primolut-N should be avoided considering possibility of pregnancy.

Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Vasudha Jayant Athavale, General & Family Physician
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Should I Take A Course Of Primolut-N To Get Early Periods After Taking Meprate In Vain?

Hi, After taking Tab. Meprate for 5 days in double dose usually period starts within 3-5 days after last pill. If did not get period in the time limit. Please consult your doctor for dosage of Meprate to be continued till the date you don t want periods to come. Primolut-N should be avoided considering possibility of pregnancy. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Vasudha Jayant Athavale, General & Family Physician