Hello, I am 87 years old & have been working on continence control for about 8-10 years w/some success. This evening I was sitting on a lounge chair, got up & went to our back bathroom which is some distance from where I was on a lounge chair. I thought I had emptied my bladder a little earlier, but apparently not enough. By the time I got to the back bathroom, I had released considerable urine. I was wearing 2# 3 pads, but I leaked thru to my underware & pants. I was trying to do some kegels while I was on the lounge chair, but apparently it wasn t enough or the right thing. I also have an e-string inserted every 3 months so I don t get a bladder infection. Should I avoid the lounge chair, I do exercises before bedtime with some success but I have to hurry to the toilet in our bedroom upon getting up. Any further ideas about the lounge chair or etc.?