My wife is 6 weeks 5 days pregnant. She had a miscarriage before. Her progesterone level a week ago was 43 nmol/L. And yesterday it was 31 nmol/L. Currently the doctor we are going hasn t put her on any progesterone supplements, and says it is ok as ovaries produce the progesterone. I am very concerned thinking should I change the doc. This doc is an old female lady GP who has some certificates in gynaecology as well. What should I do. we want this baby, and very concerned with this. My wife doesn t have crazy cramps or did not see any spotting yet. But very few times she get minor cramps for a second of two. Doc said its due to her sitting position. Her hcG levels a week ago were about 17,000. Should I change to a doctor/gyn at this point? please help and let us know what exactly should I do. I thought she should be on supplements! I forgot to mention that her progesterone level was very low i.e. 10 nmol/L on 21st day after her last period, and doctor said she was surprised to see her getting pregnant as she shouldn t be able to ovulate on the first place. So now I am really scared that she has a progesterone problem? then why don t my doc puts her on supplements to be on safe side. My wife s last period was May 25th 2014.