I am baffled as I have extremely low osthoporosis in conjunction with spinal stinosis (L-4, L-5) now affecting my hip with pain, after falling into a 4"deep hole with a manhole cover stickin ng up, cracking my rt. Knee in half, not realizing what it did to my back. This happened 20 years ago. Now since I am very small boned and petite I am at a very high risk for fractures. Ever since I was nine yrs. old and got accute nephritis for 3 full mos. till arithromicin came out in 1956, which cured me. My Problem is at every pill I have tried for my osthoporosis puts traces blood in my urine and I feel that before taking all of the newer pills I seem to do better with the older ones that donot have this side effect for me! Do you suggest me seeing a urologist to see what is affecting my kidney's so I can find the right pill for my condition?