My son has had his temperature rise to the point of him having to be taken to the hospital while out of town working and the hospital packed him in ice. They did blood tests. Told him he had Hep C. This was last fall. Later back in town, another hospital did blood test ostensibly to determine the specific variety of Hep C to prepare for treatment. Results came back. He was told he did not have Hep C but had been exposed to it therefore he had antigens but does not have the virus . When I took him to my back surgeon to be examined for the pain in his back and the pain in his neck, he was diagnosed as needing spine fusion subsequent to x-ray and MRI of his back. He had the back surgery 12/14. Now at 2 month post-op we asked the doctor what about the neck x-ray. Doctor was closed lipped and has ordered an MRI scheduled 4/2. My son has been running a relatively low body temp. He has a family history of thyroid disease. Maternal grandmother had goiter. His mother (me) had a cold node tumor on thyroid removed at age 27. I have been advised that there is a mass in his neck [reliable source but not a physician]. Complicating matters is the fact that he has depression, great social anxiety, is on suboxone. Should I get him to see an endocrinologist ASAP? Or to an ENT? Or wait for the MRI?