Hello Dr. Grief. I have a problem when laying down on my stomach, and lifting my head (watching tv while laying in bed) my ears swoosh, and I feel lightheaded like I could pass out if I don t change position. The same thing happens if I am standing, and contract my shoulders, and look up to get a good stretch, and correct my posture. I also feel numbness from the outside of my left shoulder down to the back of my hand, and also a little on the left side of my face/cheek, it is very mild, and doesn t affect function at all. It is annoying, and worrisome though. This has been going on for about 2 years now. I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder for about 4 years now, but I have only the occasional mild symptoms of anxiety for which I take a small piece of an Alprazolam pill, and I am ok. I used to get heart palps often, but hardly ever do anymore, and I don t worry too much about them because I had a nuclear stress test a year ago that was all good. I have asthma, and take fluticasone twice a day, and singular 10mg at night, along with albuterol as needed. This winter has been the worst ever for my asthma, as my airways are almost always agitated. I exercise 3 times a week, a combination of strength training, and brisk uphill walking. I am a 38 year old male, normal weight, and composition, actually in pretty good shape. Any idea what this could be? I worry about cardiovascular disease because I smoked for 9 years, but I haven t smoked for almost 10 years now, and I only rarely have alcohol, and only in moderation, less than 2 drinks. I had high LDL/ and low HDL cholesterol, but got that under control with exercise, diet, and Testosterone therapy. Any help would be appreciated.