Hello and welcome to HCM,
Moles are a very common condition. Most moles are benign and require no treatment. However, given the bump on the mole you describe, I would strongly recommend consulting your
Yes, moles can become infected, but it is very rare. It can get an infection if you have scratched it or bruised it. If the skin is red/ inflamed it may certainly be only an infection. I'd recommend you go to see a physician and get
oral antibiotics prescribed, or put topical antibiotics like
mupirocin or fusidic scid.
Another thing that must be ruled out is cancer, you may not be having it, but any change in colour, consistency, outline, ulceration of mole sometimes points towards
melanoma /
squamous cell carcinoma. And an already existent non cancerous mole can convert into cancerous.
Although I still am most tilted towards infection, for your own safety and security get cancer ruled out by a dermatologist / surgeon.
Hope I helped.