Hallow Dear,
All your mentioned symptoms; i.e. feeling of
bloating, soreness in the breasts and weight gain are due to
Progesterone product present in the coil.
Progesterone causes smooth muscles relaxation which slows the intestinal motility causing the feeling of bloating. Progesterone also causes retention of salts & water and also increases the fat deposition in the body. This leads to increase in weight. Fat deposition is more in the abdomen, buttocks and breasts; therefore you are having soreness in the breasts. They might have engorged also.
Mini pills are Progesterone only
contraceptive pills; hence, your symptoms due to progesterone will continue to bother you even with the mini pills also. I may suggest you following options:
1. You may try Combined Contraceptive pills with the advice of your Gynaecologist. However, I doubt whether you will be relieved of the symptoms with them as these pills also contain Progesterone as one of the
hormonal component.
2. Alternatively, you may opt for non-medicated
intrauterine device like Copper t (Cu-T). Then you will be free of daily botheration of taking pills for few years; and since it does not contain any hormones, you will subsequently be relieved of the symptoms. For first few days to weeks, you may get some cramps in abdomen and/or some spotting to bleeding with Cu-T; however they will subside subsequently.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri