Hello and thanks for your query.
I shall make an effort to provide you with good professional recommendations specific to your questions.
If you miss an injection, you don't have increased amount of hormones that suppress ovulation. While ovulation usually resumes three to six months after stopping the
contraceptive injection, it is possible to get pregnant if you miss a shot.
You should have a
pregnancy test as it has been two weeks or more since your last injection.
contraception if you had unprotected sex in the past 72 hours. To reduce your risk of an unwanted pregnancy, use a secondary form of birth control, like condoms, until your next injection.
Presently I advice you to perform Urine pregnancy test and use morning sample for more sensitivity.
Yet again, I duly appreciate your query to me, I do hope that you have found something useful to help you and I shall be glad to answer any further apprehensions.