What you are narrating is a predicament shared by many.
" _ _ _My penis size is only 4 inches in erect position _ _ _". Not knowing that penis size does not matter for female sexual satisfaction and not knowing that they do not have abnormally small penis (
micropenis See abnormal-small-size-penis-treatment/ at mydoctortells.com) causes tremendous frustration. This suffering is caused by incorrect knowledge.
Premature Ejaculation problem .This is highly prevalent and one of the top five reasons why people visit Sex Therapist.
First: Do you really have premature ejaculation? What is the normal time (Intravaginal Ejaculation Latency Time) from insertion to ejaculation?
This is debated at scientific seminars by Sex Therapists. The normal time is 60 seconds to 180 seconds from insertion to ejaculation. Can this time be increased?
You will find scientific answers to these questions as well as methods to delay ejaculation at mydoctortells.com See: everything-about-premature-ejaculation/.
It is useful to know methods to delay ejaculation that do not require medicines.
What are the best medicines today for the treatment of Premature Ejaculation?
and very important is
How to ensure full sexual satisfaction of your female partner?
Find out if you (See mydoctortells.com faq-premature-ejaculation) have unrealistic expectations, which are driving you crazy.
Get authentic medical guidance and you will not only be relieved of your mental
stress, but you will begin giving maximum satisfaction to your spouse.
Best wishes,
Dr. Ashok Koparday