hello there,
this is a very prevalent misconception that
teething give rise to
generally diarrhea at this age is caused by enteric infections because of tendency of infants to put any thing in mouth which may be carrying the germs.
so maintaining proper hygiene and keeping an eye on the baby may solve your problem.
diarrhea is not a veryy serious problem of managed well, like taking care of hydration and keeping some danger signs in mind like, excessive lethargy and irritability, refusal to feed, intractable
vomiting, not passing urine for long, sunken eyes,
dry mouth etc.
meanwhile you can give ORS if she continues to pass
loose stool and you can also add zinc syruo to hasten the recovery. you should also continue breast feeding on demand.
regarding home made food you can give some semi solid preparations of cereals (whole grain) and pulses without spices, banana with milk, brown bread with milk etc. that will help in slowing the intestinal transit time and controlling diarrhea.
you should avoid sugary products, glucose water, and spicy foods at this moment.
wish your daughter good health
Dr. Amit Kumar