Small itchy bumps appearing on hands, arms. Eventually disappears. What could this be? I seem to have random small itchy bumps that appear only on my hands or arms. Only one will appear and I do not notice it until I itch it. If I leave it alone, it disappears. If I scratch it, it looks like a mini mosquito bite. They are slightly red, but not really dark red. They fade back to skin toned. They appear sporadically and never more than one at a time. Within a few hours if I do not scratch them, they completely disappear and do not itch again. I live in a very dry environment where the weather is very cold outside (Arctic). My apartment has mostly laminate floors with a few area rugs. I do have a cat, but she does not have fleas. (She did, but that was 4 months ago and she was fully treated) The bumps do not look like flea bites as they are not dark red or continually itchy. There is no head on them, no halo, no liquid. Just a random small itchy bump about 1-2mm. I seem to be getting about 1-2 a day. Every time in a different spot, that eventually disappears. What could this be?