Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
First of all- I want to assure you the abdominal swelling and discomfort are unlikely related to the bump you noticed. There are many benign reasons that your abdomen may appear asymmetrical, including gas and
constipation, that can be treated with a regular intake of fiber.
But the bump and the fact that you have urinary symptoms lead me to believe that you may have a condition called an urethral diverticulum. The following is a link to an image of a urethral diverticulum:
In order to diagnose a urethral diverticulum, you should see your gynecologist or a
urologist. If the diagnosis is correct, the only way to permanently treat a urethral diverticulum is with surgery. The surgery is minor and is done through the vagina. I would refrain from sexual activity as it irritates the area and predisposes you to
urinary tract infections.
So in summary, i strongly encourage you to see a local doctor to make a proper diagnosis. You also should have your urine checked for infection as well because if that is left untreated it can spread to you kidneys and require hospitalization.
I hope i was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown