My son has gone from being really stressed/depressed and it has caused these symptoms. This behavor has never happed to him before. He is 22.
He started crying and hitting his head like he was trying not to think of something, during this two day stint he did not sleep. he kept making sure that myself and his sisters were ok. He would ask all to stay in the same room at night. If we would fall asleep he would wake up and ask if we were ok. He kept looking out the window( kept them shut) he would pace around, stop look at us. Talk to himself. I tried to take him to the emergancy and he wouldn't get out the car. At night he would turn on EVERY light in the house-even the rooms we were sleeping in. by the 3rd he stop crying as much and was sleeping and not pacing as much. I asked him once why he keep asking if I was ok and he said the voices tell him to ask. He would tell me to stop talking and I hadn't said anything. Days later, he would get slightly upset and tell me to stop it . That he could here me talking about him. Again I never said a word. He would stare at me, like he didn't know WHAT I was. During this time, he would carry anything Bible related. Jump ahead about a month now , he seems his normal self now. But still has some new tendecis since this. like carries a back pack whenever he goes -batteries I bought for the remotes, He took our pictures and keeps them in the Bible along with other books in the backpack, he works outs in his room and walks to the commitutity gym ( I think to keep his mind from wondering.) I hid all the knifes-so I thought, I once a note from the landlord that he cut the screen to his window and climbed out in the middle of the day!! I asked him about this and he said he heard someone in the house. He came back in through the front door. I think this started with him being depressed cause he was working on his GED and missed to many classed cause he has to ride city transit. Plus, he doesn't have a job and he is at home still and it was just weighing down on him. Oh also, note that during this time he is way more polite. He has also started running the water while he is using the bathroom. I just to touch on all his behavor since 4/9-.