I am 45. Many mornings I awake with a sore heart . The soreness goes away when I get up and get moving. I have episodes when my heart will have palpitations for days and it feels as though it may stop. m It will regularly skip beats. I have severe allergies and have struggled with inflammation for years. I am concerned that my heart is inflammed and that the palpitations might be allergic reactions . I had a 1 minute EKG , which showed nothing unusual. They had me lay down and breathe deeply and my heart performed normally for those 60 seconds. I had the tread mill test where they use a ultra sound to look at my heart. They said everything looked fine, but that I was out of condition. I explained to them that in the last year I haven t felt up to exercising. I rarely go to the doctor , but this last experience was negative as the doctor, whom I ve seen twice, acted very skeptical that I had any heart trouble. I want a second opinion from a more knowledgeable doctor with a heart. What does it mean to wake up with a sore heart? Does this relate to severe allergies to gluten and yeast?