Thanks to share your problem with us,we are happy to help you.
I have gone through your query and it seems that you are facing the soreness and mouth ulcers.
There are many reasons behind the development of ulcers in mouth. One of them is trouma to the oral tissues.
In your case it seems that you got soreness after having the food with hard edges. See what happens our moth mucosa is very thin and easily got traumatized if any food particle or foreign object impinged to it. so it leads to formation of break in the epithelium layer. As our mouth have lots of bacterias it is very normal to infect the injured site,because of which we get the soreness and ulcers.
Although there are many factors which can induce the ulceration,like
vitamin deficiency,drug induced,stress,
chemical burn etc.
There are a few precautions you can take to reduce further risk of mouth ulcers which include:
1) Be cautious while eating food with sharp edges. Don't eat in hurry that can cause trauma to the tissues.
2)Reducing your stress levels – if stress has caused the development of mouth ulcers. It may be a good idea to take an overall look at your lifestyle and find ways to relax. Try to get more sleep and switch to healthier foods.
3)If related to you- Reduce alcohol consumption and stop smoking if possible. 4) Avoiding spicy foods.
5) If you are taking any medication, for example beta blockers and think that this may have caused your mouth ulcers then speak to your Physician. He or she may be able to recommend an alternative.
6)Vitamin supplements: if your diet is lacking in essential vitamins, for example
Vitamin B12, folic acid or iron then try to include the food riched in
vitamins and minerals,like green leafy vegetables,fruits,milk. meat is the good source of vitamin B,fish is the good source of your food also is important to reduce these problems. you can also take capsules of vitamin B-complex
7)Maintaining good
oral hygiene and use of an antiseptic mouthwashes/sprays (e.g.
chlorhexidine) can prevent secondary infection and therefore hasten healing.
8) A topical analgesic (e.g.
benzydamine mouthwash) can be used to reduce the pain.
Burning sensation in tounge is correlated to the soreness of mouth and the causes can be the same.
I would advice you to monitor yourself if you are lacking any food items in your diet which can lead to the deficiency or you can get it checked in pathology lab.
Also you should monitor any stressful emotional factor in life and any medication you have started before this condition develops.
Hope you find the provided information helpful.Kindly give your feedback.