Thanks for your question.
Spotting before periods is not uncommon after 40 years of age. The commonest cause for this is slight fall in normal hormone levels during this phase of the menstrual cycle. Such
hormonal imbalances are common and respond well to treatment.
However certain other conditions like non cancerous tumors of the
uterus and
cervix [eg fibroids or polyps] or infections like cervical erosion can cause spotting and heavy bleeding. Other rare causes include cancers of the cervix and uterus. So, all these conditions need to be ruled out and treatment needs to be given according to the cause.
I suggest that you consult a gynecologist and get yourself examined as polys and erosion are diagnosed only after a vaginal examination. Get an
ultrasonography of the pelvis done after this to evaluate the uterus and ovaries. If all this is negative, a hormonal profile will be needed. Your gynec will direct you regarding further treatment depending upon the cause.
Please feel free to consult me during the course of your investigations or treatment and I would be glad to help.
Please do not worry and get well soon.
Thanks for using health care magic.
Dr. Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obgyn