ive gone to the er i did like every color of the rainbow of blood work i have had peed in a cup an it said i was but the ultrasound you couldnt see, today i went to my obgyn may 18,12 an there saying im 3-4. but i am bleeding . when i got my abortion i spotted for maybe 3 days an that was it i had no pain nothing so i thought everything was fine since i was so early, i had sex. well like i wanna say the 11 i had a period for maybe 30 mintues an that was it. i start my period again yesterday morning may17,2012 an i could go the whole day with one pad, an same with today, just every time i go to the bathroom its clunks of blood. no one will tell me anything i have to go back to my obgyn on monday an have another ultrasound. so i was wondering if you can help me. ive looked up everything you can think of an i still dont have a answer. thank you, katie!