Dear Concerned.,
Thanks for writing to us.
In history you have not indicated any unusual type of sea food(causes
Serum sickness with similar symptoms)/stored/tinned food you have consumed in the preceeding one or two days.Are you also having high temperature?Are you passing
white spots /rice waterry stools?
In all probabalities you may be suffering from Acute Gastro
Enteritis (AGE) due to mixed infective food .If there are more no of people in addition to you suffering from similar episodes it can be termed as 'Acute food poisoning"due to mixed infection.(usually bacterial).
Consult your MD immediately for a general physical examination for vital parameters and thorough systemic examination.
The simplest of the investigations you have to do is Stools for routine/microscopy/hanging drop preparations.In addition get all the routine blood counts/chemistry/urea/creatinine/electrolytes done.
General treatment guidelines;
The vomitting to be immediately stopped by parenteral administration of anti emetics and
dehydration can be combated during vomitting phase by intravenous fluids and when vomitting stops by ORS(Oral Rehydration Solutions).The abdominal spasmodic cramps will have to be tackled in acute phase by parenteral spasmolyticsThe hospital will also maintain Acid/Base and Electrolyte Homeostasis by IV fluids administration and repeated estimations of acid/base and electrolyte levels.
In addition an appropriate antibiotic therapy will restore you back to normalcy in a few days.
On discharge from hospital proper personal hygiene such as washing of hands with antibacterial soaps before taking food/Non consumption of unhygienic food/tinned food/avoiding unusual sea food have to be practiced.
Vaccination with Typhoral type of
Salmonella vaccines have been known to prevent certain types of food poisoning.
wishing you a speedy recovery.,
Best Regards.,
Dr Lt Cdr ASN Bhushan.