Hello Good Morning,
This is serious illness as per your description, although hemorrhoids can cause heavy and
chronic bleeding but any other bleeding source also can be found as you noticed
bloating associated with heavy bleeding.
So you have to go to a surgeon for hemorrhoids diagnosis by Per Rectal and Proctoscopy examination to stop the further loss of any bleeding, moreover should be gone over a diagnostic
Colonoscopy to search any other active source of bleeding.
As you had malignancy of
esophagus, so you should be rule out any metastasis to other part of intestine, which can cause stricture of the intestine and possible cause of bloating and bleeding per rectum.
This chronic and heavy bleeding can cause severe anemia, which itself can cause severe weakness and many other serious symptoms.
So please do not take it lightly, go for proper evaluation and treatment (
Blood transfusion may be needed) and surgery may be needed.
Dr. Naresh Jain