Hi welcome to Health care magic forum, The pain abdomen could be of any reason, as
gastritis due to
peptic ulcer a chronic irritation to the stomach, amoebic
colitis, worms in the intestines,
appendicitis etc. I advise you to
consult a gastroenterologist, for diagnosis and treatment.
The rash is called utricaria, can be due to squeez of the intestinal mucosa, or worms, or the drugs you have used to get the relief of the pain.
You may need to have the tests, gastroscopy,
ultrasound scaning of whole abdomen, besides other routine tests for confermation of the problem of the pain.
Besides i advise you some diet recommendations as avoid taking more of spices, chillies, junk foods, oily foods, nonvegetarian foods, to avoid irritation of the g.i.tract. Take more of curd, salads and bland foods in the diet.
Wishing for a quick recovery and thanks for calling.