Hi i had a stomach infection with IBS symptoms in May for a couple of weeks, then i went on Probiotics for 4 wks and the symptoms got better. I was fine for the next 4 months back on usual diet , until when i travelled to Egypt , got another mild IBS like symptom. This time i was cautious and immediately after being on conscious diet for a couple of weeks and with Probiotics things are back on track. I consulted a GI specialist last time and he gave me Ciprofloxacin along with Flagyl and advised me to take them only if get extreme diarrhea . I am fine now, soon will be out of Probiotics in a couple of days and continue with normal diet, do you think i need to do the course in case i get any other mild attacks in the next 2 months ? I have also become a little sensitive to certain foods like cheese, mushrooms, very high fiber ?