Hi Doctors, I m 19, 6.4 ft, 58.5kg s. For the past 2 to 3 weeks i have been getting this pain in my stomach/ abdomen and I ve been continuously burping and i feel like i m never hungry and when i do attempt to eat i feel sick and like there is a ball of food in my throat . I have had a history of doctors telling me to stay away from spicy food and i have done so for the past 2 years, therefore this has never happened before in the past 2 years. I also feel dizzy and it seems like water is the only think i crave. The pains in my stomach come and go, but are very discomforting. Also I am a smoker if that helps (but i have recently not felt like smoking at all for the past2 weeks) Please let me know if i should go to the doctors or not and what it could be indicating. Thank you!