You are taking protium 20 daily so you seem to have
Gastro esophageal reflux disease,
Trouble started when you were on holidays. Naturally you had rest, irregular & spicy food, may be overeating &drinking prosecco added to the problem. &
Hyper acidity in such a condition leads to dyspepsia or
The food is not digested ,lot of gas is formed-which creates
abdominal pain, belching.
To alleviate pain in such a case
-Antiflatulant like
Simethicone -
Metoclopramide tablet
-Enzyme preparations to improve digestion can be taken.
The doses & suitable brands should be decided under your doctor’s guidance.
As far to days party is conserned,it is better to just attend the party, meet friends, have pleasant discussion -but avoid hot discussions, tensions & also drinks, spicy- indigestible food. These things may worsen your problem.
Protium20 takes 4 to 6 weeks of medication with good dietary control & light daily exercises to control GERD.
Thank you,