I get a strange dizzy spinng feeling as i am trying to fall asleep, its very strong wooshing feeiing and at the same time i can hear a little hiss coming from the back of my head it only lasts for a second or two but it repeats over and over every few seconds, i somtimes get the same dizzy feeling in the day while im walking about like if i mive my eyes to look at somthing then woosh! Its very frightening as it seems to be hapoening more often now. I also have all the classic symptoms of heat failure too, my brother died from a heart attack at only 36 years old. I am 42 years old woman. Im too scared to go to my doctors they are not very good and dont like to refere people to hospital specialist unless they think your dying as it cones out of their budget, uk nhs system doesnt always be in best interest of the patient. Please can you give my some advice aas to wot is wrong with me?.