Thanks for the query to H.C.M.. Forum.
After going through your query I would come up with these possibilities , these includes.
1 Tension as you yourself mentioned in your query , so this tension develop
heartburn and
In such type of condition try raising the head of your bed about 4 inches with blocks.It also might help to avoid eating or drinking for 2 hours before you lie down.To help control the stomach acid ( as this is the main cause of heart burn and indigestion) one should not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them.
Usually antacid help in these case , if symptoms severe then you may need
proton pump inhibitors.Diagnosis can be confirmed by upper G I endoscopy.
2 Watery discharge with spotting may be due to tension ( stress ) . just for precaution get in
ultrasound of uterus for any local disease.
3 Bowel movements are just due to stress.
4 Now main question of kidney lower function and high Blood pressure . These two things are related to each other so get in
serum creatinine level , blood urea test , urine complete examination and consult an
Urologist and get his opinion.
In my opinion first of all
consult a psychiatrist and get his opinion , thereafter consult an urologist if kidney function test shows any abnormality.
Good luck. Dr. HET