hello my name is kitty id like to know if i had a certain sizzure last night and if i did what type. its seems to be the first time its gotten this bad. i dont know much about sizzures but i do know there are several types. i also assume stress caused it. To simple explain how it all started, there has been alot family fued beween my bf and my mother, and i being the middle monkey for several weeks the tension has gotten to me and i guess the overwhelming stress of working and coming home to it, has caused me to fall in depressiona nd anxiouty along with a weight of stress. so last night was an add on, and i started with heavy quick breathing, like hypervenalating. then it followed up with clentching of the my muscles it my bones would tense and from there my head kept wobbling forward before it jerked back. my eyes kept blinking lots before they rolled back and once my head jerk back i fell back to ground. my body spasms lots and my muscles kept tensing. my bf panicked and kept telling to controll my breathing and take long breaths. now im baffled Docter i thought in sizzures your arnt ever concious or remember any of this. but i was concious in all of it. i could hear my bf talk to him with huffy breaths, i was aware of it all to be honest. the diffrence was my body didnt want to coperate on what i wanted to to do. everytime i force it to controll to be stable. it still spasimed. so i could see myself spasim. at times my eyes would roll back. but i could force them to postion right before it did itagain. it seem to have started after the massive bad headache i was having. through it all my head hurt felt like it was being split in half. then it go away when my bf told to breath easy. i did. i was calm even walkedto the kitchen slowly with him. but my head kept bobbling and my muscles kept twitching.. even as i talked to him. i did my best to sleep that day this morning im ok. just exhausted from it all. what do you think this is? was it a sizzure can u actually be concious and talk through it all?