First quickly abit about me to help with the question to follow. Very physically fit. Sometimes my pulse gets as low as 38 beats per minute. Zero history of heart issues, not much in the family either. Blood pressure is fine. I m aged mid 30 s. Note I have seen doctors about it and they say its nothing to worry about. They gave me a name for it, which I forget. Part of me doesn t want to know the name, as I d google it and no doubt get disconcerting info. It happened again tonight and when it does its very unpleasant. Now heres the problem I have. My heart will beat very strong all of a sudden. Sometimes its going slow then all of a sudden it go quite fast, or very powerfully eg very noticeable coming out of my chest sort of thing. Things than can sometimes but not always make it worse....a diet high in salt, alot of sex. Any insight appreciated