I'm traveling South America for the moment, from Sweden originally. Right now situated in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. I've been struggling with a fever back and forth for two weeks now. A week ago I had to jump of the bus in Quito, Ecuador when traveling from north of Peru til Medellin in Colombia because a had a really high fever and had to see a doctor. He gave me medicines, amoxicilono for tonsillitis that I took for 7 days. After 2-3 days the fever disappeared but only for two days. So yesterday (the day after I finished the medicines) I went to the hospital here in Cartagena. They took a urine sample and a blood test which showed that a have a severe infection in the ruin that's been spreading to the kidneys and to the blood. I had to wait 12 hours at the hospital, saw a bunch of different doctors and nurses, no one introduced themselves and I didn't really have my own doctor, they didn't tell me anything between the exams but just left me without saying when they were coming back. Finally, they told me all of what a have and what they wanted to do about it. It started with that they were considering if they wanted me to stay over the night so that they could inject the medicine right away, one minute later there was no question about that I HAD to stay for at least three night. But still, I've been there for 12 hours without getting any treatment. Directly after this, they started to talk about money right away and refused to start the treatment before I payed 2000 US dollars. Because of all this, I didn't really trust them because they told me different things all day and it was all about themoney, so I convinced them that a normal treatment with pills is enough and that I wanted to go home. So my question is really if you think that the pills I got is enough or if I have to returned to the hospital (obviously ill choose a different one) to check the blood again and see if its really necessary that I stay at the hospital. I don't feel that bad, a have a bit of a fever either from morning to afternoon or from afternoon until the night, sometimes nothing, sometimes all day, but it's still a low fever. Also, I'm a more tired than normal and my back hurts a bit, and of course it hurts when I'm peeing to, but that's all. The pills I got are called ciprofloxacin 500mg, that I'm supposed to take 2 a day for five days and then start with Macrodantina 100 mg, that I'm supposed to take 1 a day for 30 days.
I appreciate fasts answers so I can continue with my trip as fast as possible.