Hi, im a male. 18 years old and I recently suffered a type 2 AC joint separation. I ve had for about a week and half. For the first week i did no exercising. About 2 days ago i started doing light weight exercises. Ive been doing: Bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions, and military grip pull up(i can do these without any pain). Now my question is: are any of the exercises I named unsafe for my type of injury? Additional info: I can move my arm in any direction with little to no pain, Whenever I do any of the 3 exercises listed I dont feel pain. The bump on my shoulder where the sprain is, is quite small so I believe i have a borderline type 1/type 2 separation If any of these are unsafe can you please name some alternatives that will still help me maintain my muscle tone and size without aggravating the injury? Thank you in advance