Low esteem is just a psychological feeling of one’s own performance or worth. So all you need do is, just train your mind in order cope up better.
Here are some tips to help you deal with it.
1) Look for a model (someone who has self confidence) among your friends circle or a public figure for inspiration and learn from them.
2) Prepare thoroughly for any task that you are going to do, so that you can be sure you are ready and confident.
3) Stop comparing yourself to other people in negative way and you will end up having low self esteem.
4) Always think positive about yourself; you can’t develop high self esteem if you constantly repeat negative comments about your skills and abilities.
5) Healthy body, healthy mind; Take adequate and proper nutrition, which includes all vitamins and minerals.
6) Mix with positive and supportive people; it will help you to raise your self esteem.
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