Hello, welcome to hcm ,
i can understand how much you are worrying about your problem ,
As per ur details , u were having poly cystic ovary disease. In cases of PCOD , proper ovulation doesn't occur ..so for that u were not able to conceive. In this regard I advise u to
consult a infertility specialist.. These are the steps that should be followed
Hormonal assays mainly DHEA, thyroid profile, LH and FSH., SERUM
progesterone levels
2. Follicular study
3. If ovulation is not happening then infertility specialist will try with ovulation inducing drugs
4. Having intercourse at the time of ovulation by serial follicular study
All above should be done by a infertility specialist..so see a specialist
As you have already done the hormonal tests , where LH is high indicates the problem with follicle maturation and ovulation , you consult a infertility specialist , she will do rest of the tests..
Hope this will help u a lot
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