Help me please, I m doing everything that I possibly can but I feel like the world is against me. I m doing everything in my own power that all of my doctors and even shrink tells me to do but all of my neighbors along with my family thinks I m the anti Christ or possesed by the devil and no won will even come around me. I live in a small town where everybody know everybody & everybody talks yet when I say something off the wall then they think that I m Norman Bates no won including my neighbors will set foot on my own property. My own family drives right past my house yet they won t call me, email me, write me, for my 40th birthday I didn t get not even a phone call and for my 50th I got the same thing. Could someone please tell me what I m doing wrong. I suffer from skit effective bi polar disorder have attempted suicide multiple times with the last time causing me congestive heart failure. What are my options, what do I do next? Is there anybody ot there that can help me.....Thanks...