Hello, anks.2011,
I take it the doctors have ruled out some of the underlying problems
before they came to that conclusion. You state that wheat can bother
you. You will have to find out if you have "Celiac Disease" or just allergy
to gluten or sensitivity. If you get blood tests for Celiac , which can be
done by any good lab, you should have that done. There are a lot of
products that contain wheat as ingredients. You really have to read
the lables very closely. Celiac condition will affect the absorption of
nutrients and you can have vitamin deficiencies. This could be the
reason for the hair loss. Also, make sure your
Thyroid tests are normal.
Underactive thyroid can cause hair loss (Thinning) .
If you follow a strict
gluten free diet the symptoms greatly improve and
you can get a lot of information on line from Celiac Foundation website.
Wish you good health.