Hi ans thanks for the query,
It is not unusual to find patients that experience chronic urethral pain called a
urethral syndrome. The initial phases culture and sensitivity tests for urine as you did, urethral swab with culture and sensitivity too, abdominal ultrasoiunds and at times a urethroscopy.
If an infection is not identified, or a malformation or any predisposing condition to these symptoms, a tripple anti biotherapy is initiated first/. This usually includes a cycline,
metronidazole and a third generation cephalopsorine for three weeks.
When its not successful , other causes must never be forgotten, like rheumatologic diseases that could manifest themselves with urethral and
joint pains. Association of urethral syndrome with joint pain or pain around the
liver area, usually called the Firtz, Hurgh Curtis syndrome is usually caused by a chronic Chalmydia infection and anti biotherapy usually works
I strongly suggest you consult your
Best regards,
Bain LE, MD.