Thanks for writing your query.
After reading your post, it seems that your husband is having symptoms due to increased acidity and gas production.
He should follow some precautions like :-
1. Avoid gas producing foods like peas, legumes, cabbage, etc.
2. Donot eat fast and donot talk while eating, as these result in swallowing more air with food.
3. Avoid spicy/oilyfoods.
4. Donot miss a meal.
5. Avoid cigarette/alcohol, if any.
6. Avoid mental/emotional
7. Donot self medicate, especially with pain killers and
8. Drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Digestive enzymes preparation, as mentioned by you, can be taken twice a day after meals for relief.
He should also take an
antacid like
Omeprazole 20 mg once a day before meals along with
Domperidone 10 mg.
He should also get investigated for
1. H.pylori
2. Liver Function Test(LFT).
I hope this is helpful to you.